The City of Superior Department of Planning and Development will be hosting the second Comprehensive Plan Open House next week Wednesday, July 14th at the Earth Rider Festival Grounds from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. This is your opportunity to provide input in what Superior’s look and feel should be in the future. It’s a casual event for community members to come and go as they please and provide feedback on the direction of the Comprehensive Plan as we start the drafting process. You will be able to provide input on such topics as housing, economic development, cultural aspects, and natural resources along with many other elements. Please make a plan to be there!
What is a comprehensive plan?
A comprehensive plan is a document that outlines the existing conditions of a community, future goals and objectives, and specific action items that will help the community meet those goals. It includes a variety of topics such as housing, transportation, land use, economic development, and natural resources. A comprehensive plan only works when it is built by and responsive to the community, and we greatly appreciate your participation.